© step by step to make a blog and monitize

step 1 go to blogger first
step 2 sign up
step 3 click new blog
step 4 click new post
step 5 type the blog like i am right now
step 6 click publish
step 7 go to this link Propeller Ads
step 8 sign up for Propeller Ads
step 9 type your domain
step 10 you are handed a piece of code you have to copy the code
step 11 go back to blogger
step 12 go to theme
step 13 go to the body tag it should look like this

step 14 go back to propeller ads and click verify
step 15 click your ad
step 16 name your code
step 17  get code make sure it isn't anti ad block that doesn't work
step 18 go back to blogger
step 19 go to layout it looks like this
step 20 click add a gadget (at the bottom)
step 21  click HTML/Java-script
step 22 paste code in the content box
your done have fun with your ads
*it doesn't work on a small blog*

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